Lindbergh, Whitmore-Bolles recognized as Lighthouse Schools

Lindbergh and Whitmore-Bolles elementary schools in Dearborn have received the prestigious Lighthouse Milestone certification through the international Leader in Me program.

The two schools were recognized for their ongoing effort, and success, implementing Leader in Me.  Lighthouse certification shows “schools have produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes,” according to Franklin Covey Co., owner of the Leader in Me program.  The certification also recognizes the extraordinary impact the schools are having on staff, students, parents and the greater community, according to the organization.

Leader in Me is a system of fostering student leadership, helping students find their strengths, and teaching them the skills to be successful in life.  It is linked to the popular Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Lindbergh and Whitmore Bolles both started Leader in Me in the 2015-16 school year.

“For me, the Leader in Me really aligned with our needs for a whole school transformation to empower students and provide them with the leadership and life skills that they need to thrive in today’s world,” said Whitmore Bolles Principal Kristin Waddell.  “The Habits truly are the core principles that serve students their entire lives, and the program has done wonderful things for our culture.  Through our journey we have been able to boost student, teacher and parent engagement; instill goal setting and personal planning; and instill leadership for all of our students.”

Schools typically cannot achieve Lighthouse certification until four to five years after starting Leader in Me.  For certification, each school has to meet a number of criteria such as staff engaged in ongoing learning, students who are taught leadership methods in different ways, family and school communications about the program, and students creating and pursuing their own academic goals.

“Our role as educators is to provide our students with endless possibilities,” said Lindbergh Principal Zainah Tiba. “The Leader in Me provided us with an avenue to instill in each child the belief that they are a leader and to create a culture of practices and opportunities to be ambassadors both within the school and the outside community.”

Schools keep the Lighthouse status for two years as they continue the work of the Leader in Me program.  At the end of two years, they can apply for recertification.

“We are thrilled to recognize Lindbergh and Whitmore Bolles elementary schools as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School.  Schools who achieve the Lighthouse Milestone are great examples of a strong leadership model, process, and of what it means to be a Leader in Me School,” said Sean Covey, President of Franklin Covey Education.