Student Support – A message from the Superintendent

Superintendent Dr. Glenn Maleyko


The hardship, tragedy, and loss of human life as a result of war and conflict has a devastating emotional impact on all of us.  I want to assure our parents that our schools are always ready to support the emotional wellbeing of our students, especially in the light of current events.  

Our administrative team and staff in the buildings can provide supportive dialogue to students or, if needed, will direct them to specific staff members with expertise in supporting their emotional needs. For parents with younger children, it is important to limit exposure to news stories that may repeatedly show violent content. As adults we can process this information, but for younger children it can create emotional distress as they are not able to tell the difference between what is happening now and what is being repeatedly shown.    

Our schools provide a safe learning environment for students and we will continue to stay focused on teaching and learning in our classroom. We will also pay close attention to the emotional climate in our schools and make any and all resources available to ensure our students feel safe in the classroom. 

Let us all hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Middle East.